Help Us Name Our New Finishing Salt!

Alright ‪#‎Saucy‬ Folks! It's time for a ‪#‎contest‬. This contest runs until Wednesday at 9 pm est. "Name me" is the game. What would you call a finishing ‪#‎salt‬ with ‪#‎coconut‬, ‪#‎lime‬ and ‪#‎lemon‬? Place your ideas in the comment section below. There is no limit on the number of entries. If we choose your product name you will be the winner of a jar of this lovely new finishing salt! The winner will be announced on Thursday. Good luck.‪#‎saucierwilly‬

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Oh….Citrus Seashore…Citrus Wave…Citrus Ocean, Citrus Surf…Salty Citrus…Fresh Caribbean Citrus… Citrus Tango! (Do you have one called Mango Tango?! I think you need that too! The lemon/lime/orange sounds divine. Oh, wait, more ideas…Sweet and Sour Citrus…Summer Citrus….lol apparently, anything with the word ‘citrus’ in it…

Katie Aiken Ritter

I would call it “Fini”.

Leon Gibson

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