Clarified Butter

Clarifying your butter gives you not only that creamy, nutty butter flavor, but a higher smoke point (486°F) and it does a better job at forming stable emulsions. Sauté some veggies, pan fry some chicken or mix it with some herbs to top your grilled steak. Use clarified butter in recipes that call for shortening. Get that tender, flaky dough with a scrumptious buttery flavor!

-Saucy Mama

Yield: approx. 7 ounces


½# (2 sticks) butter




Cheesecloth/coffee filter

4 cup glass measuring cup or heatproof bowl


Cheese cloth is the quicker method to strain the butter. Coffee filters will take quite some time to filter the butter.

Another method to separate the milk solids from the finished clarified butter is chilling it in the refrigerator. After cooking on the stove-top and skimming the milk solids, pour the clarified butter into a wide mouth jar and glass container. Put into the fridge until solid. When solid, remove from fridge and skim any foam that remains on the top. Take a knife and punch a hole into the butter. Over the sink or trash can, pour out the milk solids and transfer the clarified butter into a clean jar for storage.

Skimming with a spoon can be skipped. Cook butter until the foam has dropped to the bottom of the pan, remove from heat and strain leaving the milk solids in the pan to be discarded.

Make Ghee: After skimming, continue to cook on low heat. When the color changes from yellow to a clear golden color and the foam has sunk to the bottom of the pan, remove from the heat, strain leaving the milk solids in the pan to be discarded and store.

Medicate It

Use this to make canna butter. If using a Magic Butter Machine, use a minimum of 4 sticks of butter. Try some Soul Train CBD Wax today!

How to Stove-top (Do not walk away! Keep a close eye on the saucepan. The transformation happens quickly!)

Place a cheese cloth/coffee filter inside your glass measuring cup or heatproof bowl and set aside.

Melt the butter in a saucepan on med/low heat. When fully melted, keep at a low simmer. Adjust your heat as needed.

As it continues to cook, skim the foam with your spoon. Don’t worry if you can’t get it all. It will be filtered out later.

When foam is no longer forming on the surface of the butter, immediately remove from the heat, strain it into the coffee filter and leave the milk solids in the pot to be discarded.

Transfer to a glass jar and store in the refrigerator.  

How to Microwave (Do not walk away! Keep a close eye on the microwave. The transformation happens quickly!)

Cut the butter into tablespoon-sized chunks and put in a tall microwavable glass measuring cup.

Microwave on high for 1 minute in an 800-watt microwave or 50-70% power for higher wattage appliances.

When the foam reaches the top of the cup, remove it from the microwave and let it settle and cool for 1-2 minutes. There should be 3 separate layers formed in the measuring cup: top-whey proteins, middle-clarified butter, bottom-milk solids.

If these layers have not formed, microwave the butter a second time and remove when the foam reaches the top of the cup.

Skim the foam with a spoon and pour the clarified butter into a jar with a coffee filter; leaving behind the milk solids; store in the refrigerator.