Skin Soother Face Mask

Do you have tired, angry skin? Treat yourself to a pampering face mask! This one is packed with Vitamin C and E from kiwi fruits to regenerate and firm the skin; anti-inflammatory matcha tea, turmeric and aloe; hydrating jojoba oil and oatmeal; cooling rose water; with balancing and soothing kaolin clay. No matter your concern this mask will make your face do a happy dance!

-Saucy Mama

Yield: 3-4 ounces


1 tablespoon manuka honey

1 teaspoon matcha tea powder

1 teaspoon jojoba oil

1 teaspoon turmeric powder

1 teaspoon aloe

1 teaspoon oatmeal (medium ground, use a spice grinder)

1 teaspoon rose water

½ fresh kiwi (mashed)

1 tablespoon kaolin clay


Use this mask on any external body part that needs some TLC! If using on your feet, wrap them in plastic wrap to be able to walk around.

Medicate It

Use Cannaoil instead of jojoba oil. Add a dropper (1 ml) of hemp/cannabis oil.

How To

Use 1-2x/week.

Clean and dry your skin with a gentle cleanser.

In a small bowl, mash the kiwi.

Add matcha, turmeric, oatmeal and kaolin clay. Mix well.

Add manuka honey, jojoba oil, aloe and rose water. If using, add your hemp/cannabis oil here and mix well.

Apply the mask with your clean fingers or a brush and let it sit for 15 minutes. The mask should not be severely cracking, flaky and dry after this time to prevent the over drying of your skin. If it is drying faster than the 15 minutes, remove when you feel comfortable.

Using warm water with or without a towel, remove your mask using gentle circular motions. Pat your face dry and continue with your skincare routine.


Always keep your mask stored in the refrigerator. The coolness feels lovely on the skin and calms angry skin. This can keep for 1-3 weeks. If it gets fuzzy, toss and make a new one!


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